2013年5月27日 星期一

Gemcitabine(如Gemzar)健澤 (健保給付規定2010/10/1): 非小細胞肺癌, 胰臟癌, 乳癌, 膀胱癌, 卵巢癌

4.用於曾經使用含鉑類藥物 (platinum-based) 治療後復發且間隔至少6個月之卵巢癌,作為第二線治療。(96/5/199/10/1

每天4人罹子宮頸癌 及早預防 (聯合新聞網 2013/5/27)

子宮頸癌種類主要分為兩種,第一種較常見的鱗狀上皮細胞癌即佔了75% ,由於病變位置在子宮頸外口,9成的抹片篩檢可被檢測出來;另一種為腺癌,近10年發生率從5%增至20%,且超過3成患者年齡少於35歲 ,腺癌雖較少見但因病變位置深入體內,抹片不易發現,因此更需要預防。
陳姿伶醫師建議,凡有過性經驗的女性,都應接受一年一次的抹片檢查,目前健保也已提供年滿30歲以上女性每年一次免費抹片檢查機會。為降低產婦罹患子宮頸癌的機率,陳姿伶醫師提醒新生兒產婦掌握產後42天回診時機,進行子宮頸抹片並同時施打子宮頸疫苗來達雙重預防。此外,由於子宮頸腺癌發生於較深層的子宮頸組織,僅管抹片篩檢正常,但仍有10%的機會成為腺癌 ,因此建議搭配子宮頸癌疫苗施打,其對高侵襲性、高致命性的子宮頸腺癌保護效果高,對14種高風險致癌型HPV病毒的整體保護效果也高達93% 。
陳姿伶醫師提醒,若檢測出抹片異常時,應主動諮詢醫師,為子宮頸癌做最佳的預防。子宮頸癌的篩檢率為癌症中最高90.8%,發生人數減幅率6.5%也為最佳 。雖抹片篩檢較疫苗施打更讓大眾接受,但仍建議抹片和疫苗須雙管齊下,來達到最佳的防範效果。此外,提醒婦女接種疫苗期間不要懷孕,應採取避孕措施,若已經懷孕的婦女不建議接種疫苗。

全文網址: 新訊》每天4人罹子宮頸癌 及早預防! - 婦科看診室 - 兩性健康 - udn健康醫藥 http://mag.udn.com/mag/life/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=457655#ixzz2UVfVKAV2
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NLST研究低劑量電腦斷層篩檢肺癌 結果報告 (新英格蘭期刊 2013/5/23)



Lung cancer is the largest contributor to mortality from cancer. The National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) showed that screening with low-dose helical computed tomography (CT) rather than with chest radiography reduced mortality from lung cancer. We describe the screening, diagnosis, and limited treatment results from the initial round of screening in the NLST to inform and improve lung-cancer–screening programs.

肺癌目前是癌症死亡人口最多的癌症之一, NLST 研究比較使用 低劑量螺旋電腦斷層篩檢 與傳統胸部X光相比, 可有效降低肺癌死亡率, 本研究進一步報告其成果


At 33 U.S. centers, from August 2002 through April 2004, we enrolled asymptomatic participants, 55 to 74 years of age, with a history of at least 30 pack-years of smoking. The participants were randomly assigned to undergo annual screening, with the use of either low-dose CT or chest radiography, for 3 years. Nodules or other suspicious findings were classified as positive results. This article reports findings from the initial screening examination.

在全美國33家醫學中心, 自2002年8月到2004年4月, 研究納入55至74歲 在過去有抽煙習慣(1年抽約30包煙) 的成年人,比較使用低劑量螺旋電腦斷層篩檢 與傳統胸部X光相比, 篩檢三年, 比較篩檢差異


A total of 53,439 eligible participants were randomly assigned to a study group (26,715 to low-dose CT and 26,724 to chest radiography); 26,309 participants (98.5%) and 26,035 (97.4%), respectively, underwent screening. A total of 7191 participants (27.3%) in the low-dose CT group and 2387 (9.2%) in the radiography group had a positive screening result; in the respective groups, 6369 participants (90.4%) and 2176 (92.7%) had at least one follow-up diagnostic procedure, including imaging in 5717 (81.1%) and 2010 (85.6%) and surgery in 297 (4.2%) and 121 (5.2%). Lung cancer was diagnosed in 292 participants (1.1%) in the low-dose CT group versus 190 (0.7%) in the radiography group (stage 1 in 158 vs. 70 participants and stage IIB to IV in 120 vs. 112). Sensitivity and specificity were 93.8% and 73.4% for low-dose CT and 73.5% and 91.3% for chest radiography, respectively.

在約50000人中, 兩組人數大約相等, 在研究期間, 低劑量螺旋電腦斷層組約可發現27.3%異常結果, 相較胸部X光只有9.2%, 之後所造成診斷肺癌人數比例也有明顯差異 (1.1% vs 0.7%), 低劑量螺旋電腦斷層對於篩檢肺癌的敏感性及特異性為93.8%及73.4%, 胸部X光片則為73.5%以及91.3%.


The NLST initial screening results are consistent with the existing literature on screening by means of low-dose CT and chest radiography, suggesting that a reduction in mortality from lung cancer is achievable at U.S. screening centers that have staff experienced in chest CT. (Funded by the National Cancer Institute; NLST ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00047385.)

本NLST研究初步報告發現 利用低劑量螺旋電腦斷層,  在電腦斷層篩檢經驗豐富的醫學中心, 對於患有肺癌的高危險族群(吸煙者), 可以有效地降低肺癌癌症死亡率


National Lung Screening Trial: Questions and Answers


2013年5月23日 星期四

Temozolomide (如Temodal) 帝盟多 (健保給付2009/9/1) :  惡性腦瘤治療

Temozolomide (Temodal)(94/3/197/1/198/9/1) 

(1)退行性星狀細胞瘤(AA- anaplastic astrocytoma)
(2)多形神經膠母細胞瘤(GBM -Glioblastoma multiforme)
(3)退行性寡樹突膠質細胞瘤(anaplastic oligodendroglioma) (98/9/1)

資料來源: 全民健保藥物給付規定

2013年5月22日 星期三

血液惡性腫瘤病患是否需要預防性血小板輸血 ( 新英格蘭期刊 2013/5/9)


The effectiveness of platelet transfusions to prevent bleeding in patients with hematologic cancers remains unclear. This trial assessed whether a policy of not giving prophylactic platelet transfusions was as effective and safe as a policy of providing prophylaxis.

血液惡性腫瘤病患是否需要預防性輸注血小板目前仍是未知的問題, 本研究目的在於瞭解預防性血小板輸注的功效以及安全性, 以瞭解是否預防性血小板輸注的可行性


We conducted this randomized, open-label, noninferiority trial at 14 centers in the United Kingdom and Australia. Patients were randomly assigned to receive, or not to receive, prophylactic platelet transfusions when morning platelet counts were less than 10×109 per liter. Eligible patients were persons 16 years of age or older who were receiving chemotherapy or undergoing stem-cell transplantation and who had or were expected to have thrombocytopenia. The primary end point was bleeding of World Health Organization (WHO) grade 2, 3, or 4 up to 30 days after randomization.
在英國以及澳洲 . 使用前瞻性隨機分組, 兩組在血小板小於10×109 per liter時, 採用預防性輸血小板以及不預防輸的方式, 瞭解其之後30天內出血的機率


A total of 600 patients (301 in the no-prophylaxis group and 299 in the prophylaxis group) underwent randomization between 2006 and 2011. Bleeding of WHO grade 2, 3, or 4 occurred in 151 of 300 patients (50%) in the no-prophylaxis group, as compared with 128 of 298 (43%) in the prophylaxis group (adjusted difference in proportions, 8.4 percentage points; 90% confidence interval, 1.7 to 15.2; P=0.06 for noninferiority). Patients in the no-prophylaxis group had more days with bleeding and a shorter time to the first bleeding episode than did patients in the prophylaxis group. Platelet use was markedly reduced in the no-prophylaxis group. A prespecified subgroup analysis identified similar rates of bleeding in the two study groups among patients undergoing autologous stem-cell transplantation.
共有600人參與本試驗(301人為不預防輸注血小板組, 299人為預防輸注血小板組), 在不預防組裡30天內發生了約50%的出血事件, 而預防組只有43%, P值為0.06,  在統計學上並沒有意義 (在non-inferiorty的設計, 即表示不預防組的發生出血機率較高), 但出血的時間以及嚴重性, 不預防組則明顯有統計學上的差異, 有較高的出血風險


The results of our study support the need for the continued use of prophylaxis with platelet transfusion and show the benefit of such prophylaxis for reducing bleeding, as compared with no prophylaxis. A significant number of patients had bleeding despite prophylaxis. (Funded by the National Health Service Blood and Transplant Research and Development Committee and the Australian Red Cross Blood Service; TOPPS Controlled-Trials.com number,

本研究支持對於血液惡性腫瘤患者, 在血小板小於10×109 per liter (10k/cumm)時,使用預防性地血小板輸注是有臨床益處的,  然而還是有許多病患雖然接受預防性血小板輸注, 仍會發生出血

Reference (TOPPS Trial)
A no-prophylaxis platelet-transfusion strategy for hematologic cancers.
 2013 May 9;368(19):1771-80. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1212772.

2013年5月20日 星期一

癌症、長期臥床 肺栓塞高危險群 (聯合新聞網 20130520)

Q、家父今年80歲,5年前動刀切除乙狀結腸的惡性腫瘤(直腸癌2期);今年2月初,家父左邊肩部手臂舉起約45度角左右,就會引起從左邊脖子延伸至左肩膀到胸腔部位疼痛,只要一個小動作,胸腔部位就會劇烈疼痛。就醫診斷,發現他左肺部下方血管動脈栓塞(肺栓塞)導致胸痛。住院期間做了檢查,未能查出何種因素導致「肺栓塞」。之後出院,醫師先用藥物治療,目前狀況(抗凝血劑,Warfarin Sod)服半顆看看是否有改善(因醫師顧及老人家年齡大,怕藥物太強,先服用半顆。)服藥期間未再出現不適。4月初再回診抽血檢驗,結果不佳;這回抗凝血藥劑調整為單日服用半顆,雙日服用1顆,再看看成效如何。我有幾個疑問:1.病人是何種因素而導致「肺栓塞」?
3.病人此徵狀要看診時,到底是看「胸腔科」還是「心臟內科」呢?(讀者 峰兒)

A、肺栓塞主要是血液凝結成血塊,並順著血流跑至肺部、造成阻塞;如果血塊流至腦部,就會造成中風。癌症是造成肺栓塞的主因之一,因癌症分泌的物質會刺激血液凝固,如果腫瘤未完全治癒,恐會引發肺栓塞。長期臥床 易致肺栓塞 基本上,靜脈血液容易凝固,但動脈血流較快,血液較不易凝結,因此血流栓塞多以靜脈為主。尤其腳有靜脈曲張問題,血液從腳回流至心臟、再到肺部,容易形成肺栓塞。另外,長期臥床病患也會出現肺栓塞,如手術開刀半年內,因臥床時間較久,易出現所謂「經濟艙症候群」,雙腳長時間固定同姿勢,恐致靜脈栓塞。還有不明原因形成的肺栓塞等。服香豆素 飲食有禁忌 肺栓塞主要是靜脈凝固,患者需服用抗凝血藥物,如讀者提到的香豆素(Warfarin);至於高血壓、高血脂等問題引起的動脈血管系統阻塞,則需服用阿斯匹靈或抗血小板藥物。不過,抗凝血藥物劑量太高會引起大出血,因此患者需定期追蹤抽血,隨時調整藥物劑量;且藥物劑量也需慢慢增加,避免大出血危險。值得注意的是,香豆素會抑制維他命K等相關凝血因子作用,兩者會互相拮抗,因此民眾服藥若食用花椰菜等富含維他命K食物或部分中藥,恐影響藥效,應與醫師討論飲食禁忌或注意事項。電腦斷層 觀察血管栓塞 通常電腦斷層掃描(CT)可觀察血管栓塞情形、肺部血管是否較少,如果有,代表肺部冠流少,可能有栓塞情況。至於心臟超音波主要是檢查心臟厚薄、右心是否壓力過高,因右心掌管肺功能,若有慢性肺栓塞情形,右心收縮較無力,右肺血管也容易缺血、血氧不足,患者會出現胸痛、易喘等症狀;一旦肺部氧氣不足,造成嘴唇發紫,建議立即就醫。一般肺栓塞可至胸腔科或心臟內科、血液科看診,若患者出現嘴唇發紫等大肺動脈阻塞情形,需注射靜脈內血栓溶解劑,此為缺血性腦中風的緊急治療方法,或接受心導管手術吸出血塊。(諮詢/新光醫院胸腔內科主治醫師林嘉謨、台灣高血壓學會秘書長、台大雲林分院心血管中心主任王宗道)

全文網址: 癌症、長期臥床 肺栓塞高危險群 - 肺部保健康 - 健康話題 - udn健康醫藥 http://mag.udn.com/mag/life/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=456495#ixzz2ToeO41bE
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2013年5月18日 星期六

Jolie’s Disclosure of Preventive Mastectomy Highlights Dilemma (New York Times)

One of the defining moments in the history of breast cancer occurred in 1974 when the first lady, Betty Ford, spoke openly about her mastectomy, lifting a veil of secrecy from the disease and ushering in a new era of breast cancer awareness
Now four decades later, another leading lady — the actress Angelina Jolie — has focused public attention on breast cancer again, but this time with an even bolder message: A woman at genetic risk should feel empowered to remove both breasts as a way to prevent the disease. Ms. Jolie revealed on Tuesday that because she carries a cancer-causing mutation, she has had a double mastectomy.
“She’s the biggest name of all, and I think given her prominence and her visibility not only as a famous person but also a beautiful actress, it’s going to carry a lot of weight for women,” said Barron H. Lerner, a medical historian and the author of “The Breast Cancer Wars.”
Breast cancer experts and advocates applauded the manner in which Ms. Jolie explored her options and made informed decisions, saying it might influence some women with strong family histories of breast cancer to get genetic tests.
But some doctors also expressed worry that her disclosure could be misinterpreted by other women, fueling the trend toward mastectomies that are not medically necessary for many early-stage breast cancers. In recent years, doctors have reported a virtual epidemic of preventive mastectomies among women who have cancer in one breast and decide to remove the healthy one as well, even though they do not have genetic mutations that increase their risk and their odds of a second breast cancer are very low.
Ms. Jolie wrote on the Op-Ed page of The New York Times that she had tested positive for a genetic mutation known as BRCA1, which left her with an exceedingly high risk for developing breast and ovarian cancer. Her mother died at 56 after nearly a decade with cancer, though Ms. Jolie did not specify which type. After genetic counseling, Ms. Jolie opted to have both breasts removed and to undergo reconstructive surgery.
Ms. Jolie, 37, who declined to be interviewed for this article, was treated at the Pink Lotus Breast Center in Beverly Hills, Calif., a clinic opened in 2009 by Dr. Kristi Funk, identified on its Web site as a former director of patient education at the breast center at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
Her condition is rare. Mutations in BRCA1 and another gene called BRCA2 are estimated to cause only 5 percent to 10 percent of breast cancers and 10 percent to 15 percent of ovarian cancers among white women in the United States. The mutations are found in other racial and ethnic groups as well, but it is not known how common they are.
About 30 percent of women who are found to have BRCA mutations choose preventive mastectomies, said Dr. Kenneth Offit, chief of clinical genetics at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Those who have seen family members die young from the disease are most likely to opt for the surgery.
“It’s important to make it clear that a BRCA mutation is a special, high-risk situation,” said Dr. Monica Morrow, chief of the breast service at Sloan-Kettering. For women at very high risk, preventive mastectomy makes sense, but few women fall into that category, she said.
For women’s health advocates, the trend toward double mastectomies in women who do not have mutations is frustrating. Studies in the 1970s and 1980s proved that for many patients, lumpectomy was as safe as mastectomy, and the findings were seen as a victory for women.
Even so, there is increasing demand for mastectomy. Dr. Morrow says that she has often tried to talk patients out of it without success. Some imagine their risk of new or recurring cancer to be far higher than it really is. Others think that their breasts will match up better if both are removed and reconstructed.
Ms. Jolie’s decision highlights the painful dilemma facing women with BRCA mutations.
“She is a special case, and you can completely understand why she did it,” said Dr. Susan Love, the author of a best-seller, “Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book,” and a breast surgeon. “But what I hope that people realize is that we really don’t have good prevention for breast cancer. When you have to cut off normal body parts to prevent a disease, that’s really pretty barbaric when you think about it.”

Women who carry BRCA mutations have, on average, about a 65 percent risk of eventually developing breast cancer, as opposed to a risk of about 12 percent for most women. For some mutation carriers, the risk may be higher; Ms. Jolie wrote that the estimate for her was 87 percent.
Because the BRCA mutations are rare and the test expensive — about $3,000 — it is not recommended for most women.
But for women with breast cancer who do have mutations, knowing their status can help them make further treatment decisions, like whether to have an unaffected breast or their ovaries removed.
Women who should consider testing are those who have breast cancer before age 50, a family history of both breast and ovarian cancer, or many close relatives with breast cancer, especially if it developed before age 50. Any woman with ovarian cancer should consider being tested, as should Ashkenazi Jewish women with breast or ovarian cancer. Men with breast cancer and their families should also ask about the possibility of a genetic predisposition to the disease.
Because the cancer risks for carriers are so high, women with the mutations are often advised to have their breasts and ovaries removed as a preventive measure. It is generally considered safe to wait long enough to have children before having the ovaries removed, but the operation should be done by age 40, said Dr. Susan M. Domchek, an expert on cancer genetics at the University of Pennsylvania and the executive director of its Basser Research Center, which specializes in BRCA mutations. There is no reliable way to screen for ovarian cancer, and most cases are detected at a relatively late stage, when the disease is harder to treat and more likely to be fatal.
Ms. Jolie said that she herself had a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer. “I started with the breasts, as my risk of breast cancer is higher than my risk of ovarian cancer, and the surgery is more complex,” she wrote.
Removing the breasts is not the only option, Dr. Domchek said. Some women with BRCA mutations choose close monitoring with mammograms and M.R.I. scans once a year, staggered so that they have one scan or the other every six months. Those tests offer a chance to find cancer early.
For some women, certain drugs can lower the risk of breast cancer, but not as much as preventive mastectomy.
It is also possible for women who are mutation carriers to avoid passing the gene to their children, by undergoing in vitro fertilization and having embryos screened for BRCA genes. Then, only embryos free of mutations can be implanted.
Ms. Jolie’s celebrity and her roles as a mother of six and a movie star who plays strong women, including the swashbuckling archaeologist Lara Croft, may give her decision far-reaching impact.
Dr. Isabelle Bedrosian, a surgical oncologist at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, has been a vocal critic of the trend toward double mastectomy among women who are not at high genetic risk. However, she hopes the decision by Ms. Jolie will focus women on the value of genetic counseling and making informed decisions.
“I think there is an important upside to the story, and that is that women will hopefully be more curious about their family history,” Dr. Bedrosian said. “We need to be careful that one message does not apply to all. Angelina’s situation is very unique. People should not be quick to say ‘I should do like she did,’ because you may not be like her.”

1. BRCA1或BRCA2基因突變, 只佔所有乳癌及卵巢癌病患的一小部份, 乳癌約5~10%, 卵巢癌約10~15% (在美國)
2. BRCA1基因突變者, 終生約有平均65%的機率得到乳癌, 而其它一般的美國婦女終生機率約12% 
3. 哪些人需要考慮檢驗BRCA 基因突變 (專家建議, 適用在美國, 由於BRCA基因檢測昂貴, 不建議所有病患檢測)
 (1) 年輕得乳癌(年紀<50 歲)
 (2)家族史同時有乳癌及卵巢癌, 或許多親屬有乳癌, 特別是年輕就發病者(年紀<50 歲)
4. 卵巢癌無較好的篩檢方式, 發病診斷時常是晚期疾病, 建議BRCA基因突變者, 若考慮作預防性手術摘除卵巢, 建議時間在生育年齡過後, 在40歲之前(因常在40歲前發病)
5. 預防性手術可大幅降低罹患相關癌症機率, 但仍無法100%預防得癌機會 

有症狀 家族史 癌症篩檢應提早 (蘋果日報)


定期 篩檢預防




資料來源: 蘋果日報

2013年5月17日 星期五

領先歐美 肺腺癌新藥更見效 (中國時報20130518)


2013年5月14日 星期二

My Medical Choice ( New York Times 2013/5/14)


My Medical Choice